The Word and Prayer


Nothing is more important in the life of this Church, and every believer, then prayer and understanding the Word of God.   We pray that you sense that every time you walk through the doors, hear a sermon or worship with us.   

STUDY IN THE WORD - Where ACTIVATE small groups discuss the weekly sermons in intimate gatherings throughout the week, we do, throughout the year, provide additional Adult Bible Studies on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights during the Summer and through our Men’s and Women’s groups that meet. 

PRAYER is something we believe happens on both a personal level and on a corporate one.   We also believe that God responds to prayer offered up in faith.  Faith in knowing that He is the SAVIOR, HEALER, BAPTIZER in the HOLY SPIRIT and SOON AND COMING KING.  

  • On Sunday mornings, our sanctuary is open for a time of prayer and reflection prior to the Worship service from 9:50 - 10:10.    Prayers are offered throughout the service and the opportunity to be prayed for at the altar or with a pastor is always offered and available.  Even now, you could contact us with your need at or by calling 978-874-2848.

  • Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm we meet for a time of Intercessory prayer, as we pray for our nation, our families, those who need the Lord and one another and as the Spirit leads.

  • One Friday night a month, we seek to set aside a time of pure worship, prayer and waiting in the presence of the Lord for those desiring to go deeper in their relationship with God.