Activate Small Groups

Thanks for your interest in Activate groups! These small groups meet at various times throughout the week in homes in the surrounding area. A few of our groups also meet virtually. The sermon- based discussion questions are designed to elicit a personal and practical response (how individuals will apply or "activate" the Word in their lives), and will also include an individual challenge and a group challenge each week. Each group will also plan social events for their group once a month. The goal is to create a safe environment that promotes healthy relationships first, and eventually vulnerability and accountability with one another. At the same time, the goal is to engage each other with the Word of God, apply each week's message personally and practically, and also to develop leaders by having new people and young believers facilitate the questions under the assistance of more mature believers, then eventually lead their own groups. Just like the book of Acts, these groups will multiply, disciples will be raised up, and we as a body will be a stronger force to reach the world. “And the Lord kept adding every day to their number those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47. When visiting an Activate Group, you can expect a lot of laughs, deep relationships, and personal Spiritual growth. Please click here to sign up!